Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Challenge #94

Funny, the title is Challenge.... and this week finds me challenged, in many ways..
This week finds me at the end of my finances, and facing the month without insurance, unless I go with Cobra. I have stepped up my job applying, with some urgency, yet with some trepidation. I don't want to just have a job, and being in my field (nursing, computers, etc) I do kind of have a choice, yet in the job market, I don't want to be too picky.

I have interviewed for a position I would like, but it will be a very long drawn out process to interview in stages, each stage with a different set of people. I've done this process before, so I'm not scared of it, I just know that it is a long process. It's something I would like to do, and would really like to hold out for it....which in a way, I have. But I haven't heard anything and I'm kind of at the end of my rope now. So I've applied for a few other ones closer to home that I think are interesting enough, one of which I have an interview for tomorrow morning. I don't particularly have experience in this type of nursing, but I have proven in the past I can learn anything.

I've noticed having some difficulty journaling and drawing since I've been off. I have to say though, I've committed myself to doing the weekly challenges. That has made me get up and get moving and get inspired. So, today I got up and voted, and started cleaning the house, and got my head on a little straighter. This, funny enough, helped me draw tonight.

So, I'm putting up my drawing. When I was doing it I was thinking of my daughter, growing up, and braiding her hair. When she looked at it she said it looked like wheat. Funny enough, I am allergic to wheat, but it is pretty to look at ! Ha!! I was going to continue my drawing but she told me to stop, it was enough. I tend to overdo, over think, over talk, etc. so this time I stopped. (It still looks empty to me, but then again, I don't draw in the lines, so for me it is!)I hope you like it!

Weekly Challenge #94: "UMT v. X: Socc"

The Socc that I did, looks like the "dirt" growing the "feathers" above, while in this braid of a vase. That's my interpretation anyway! I'm glad I did stop drawing. I think the simplicity of it, separated by colors, would've gotten lost.
Have a great week!
Zentangle is explained here (I'm so grateful for what Rick and Maria have done for us who doodle!)

Zentangle and ZIA drawings, mine and a few of my daughters drawings too...

This site - I Am The Diva  - she has weekly zentangle challenges and it's a lot of fun.

Tangle patterns here  if you want to learn how to draw some of them, or if you just need a refresher on how to draw them.


  1. Well Linda, I agree with your daughter. Sometimes less is more!
    I wish you succes in your effort to get a new (nice) job.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I meant to say......lovely job, Lynda! Good luck with your job search and I hope that the one that you want comes through for you :)

  3. Simple and sweet, great work Lynda! All the best in your job hunt :)

  4. I know it's hard to know when to stop tangling, your socc bouquet is just right.

  5. This one worked out beautifully!

  6. Great combination of tangles and colors. Great!

    1. when I did it, I wasn't thinking about the colors per se, just thinking I wanted to separate it by color. Then I realized when I looked later that it was like a vase, brown socc for dirt, green on top looking like a plant growing out of the dirt.
      One of the things I love is not planning and at the end, seeing it turn out with colors or shapes like that and getting the "surprise" of it!
      Thanks for the comment!

  7. Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement.!! Much appreciated!

  8. Hi Lynda, Your tile is lovely and to me it reminded me of the Olympic Torch, even though it has a leaf looking tangle. Good luck in your job search and let us know how everything works out.

    1. Thank you!! I really didn't realize that til later too!
