Friday, November 30, 2012

Weekly Challenge - No Strings Attached

Well, it's been a crazy week this week. It's amazing how busy one can be even when they're unemployed! Glad to see the weekend here. I've been running this week on job applications, interviews, appointments.... I went to church on Wednesday night for the first time in a long time. Someone I know there asked me to come. Then afterwards, gave me a referral for a job - they're looking for RNs. I went and applied....I have an interview on Monday with a Home Health place locally. I need to feel worthy of being a nurse again. <sigh> too long without working makes one doubt themselves. God provides..I just forget to ask sometimes. I am strong in my faith but have difficulty with "church" in the normal sense. It was nice to have the fellowship though.
I'll be so glad to get back to work.
So this week is no strings. I have done this before and the first one I did, somehow I still feel like there must've been strings - I kind of did lines of zentangle, one after the other.

The second one, was a little better in being scattered.. with no strings...

These are some older pictures I did without any strings....

Notice the 4 leaf clover? I picked it one day, taped it on the paper - I'm amazed how it's still green!! then I started tangling around it.

I hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. I love your second one! Is that a rose pattern tucked in there? Very Nice!

  2. Funny to see how diffeent the first and second are. Great.

  3. love hoiw you balance the black areas with the light, airy ones
    they are all very nice

  4. You had fun with this one....4 beautiful studies of stringless glory! I have enjoyed seeing them!
