Saturday, November 24, 2012

Log Cabin Challenge

Well, another week has gone by and Thanksgiving went by with it. I can't believe how fast time goes. I have had fun this week as I have started quilting also. It's been awhile and it took me a few days to un-bury my machine etc.. and have begun!! I'm happy with my results so far.. it was a challenge in a month back in October, but like always, I'm a day late and a dollar short in my life. I figured I would do it anyway.  I've enjoyed it. It has kept me busy during the day rather than sit around and feel sad, as I usually do at holidays since I lost my mom.....and now my job. Sorry, I digress, that's a whole different story.
Here's a link to the Challenge: Log Cabins from Ellison Lane

Here's what I've done so far this week!

This is the first color I completed and in 9 blocks...I'm going to try to make it that I can fit it on the top of a Queen - it's a "double" size though - it will be 9 X 12 blocks. (Blocks are 8.5 inches square)
So that'll be 9 blocks of 12 colors....or if I can't figure that many colors out, I'll do 12 blocks of 9 colors. LOL!!!

This one is in honor of my mother who loved all things Strawberries and the color RED!! She loved to wear red and looked great in it, and her red lipstick. She, if anyone, could always get away looking so classy in red lipstick and red nail polish... Then, above it are the paws that are of her cats that she loved so much... Also it says on the white fabric to the right - Life is like a bowl of Cherries... it's so true ! We used to laugh and say "we always got the pits" ROFLOL I had to stick that in there, mom would appreciate it. I want to work so that this block will be the center one, or close to...
I'm starting on green next - must be the Christmas coming out in me!
Stay tuned!
Sew full of Blessings!

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