Thursday, November 15, 2012

Weekly Challenge #95-Mickey

Weekly Challenge #95: Guest Post - "Mickey Challenge" 

From "IamtheDiva" website explaining the challenge:

Courtney from Texas is the guest challenger this week.  She writes "On November 19, 1928 the Walt Disney Studio released the animated short film "Steamboat Willie".  This was the official debut of Mickey Mouse as well as his girlfriend, Minnie.
Here's the link if you want to watch the video:
Mickey's Steamboat Willie
So a few things about the challenge: Mandala, (I have issues with them, I have a problem with the circle but forced myself to do it) Black and White (as the film is), and I took things from the film that for me, were translated into my mandala:
The whistles on the boat, the notes from the music, the hearts - love between Mickey and Minnie, the boat wheel (the mandala too) and waves...

And of course, because I have problems following directions, I colored the next one without thinking about it. I thought if I did that it would show the W for Walt, and the M for Mickey....I almost colored the "bow" with the dots pink for Minnie, but decided I should stop!
Oh well, I never have done well with directions...

On the job front, nothing yet. I kind of had to put things on hold this week.

I had a family member pass away and this week he was buried in Arlington Cemetery. I am the only relative that lives close to my aunt and so I helped her prep for the upcoming company, funeral, route to and from the cemetery and the club at Ft Myers for a "dry run" of that day. He was a retired Lt Col, served in WW II and Vietnam, earned the Bronze Star. A full military funeral is the most awe inspiring thing to witness. To know this was how they pay tribute to our soldiers, it is amazing. We looked at the differences in the funerals (from Private to General), what things mean (the lone, riderless black horse that followed the Caisson with the boots turned backwards) and it is amazing. 

This is a link to the site to learn about the traditions. 

It was good to see all the family and meet new ones, but it is sad. However, I know he is in a MUCH better place because he had major health issues in the end. My aunt is a VERY SPRY 90 year old and I have no doubt will miss him, but will be ok. She's a strong one!
We were lucky, it was an incredibly beautiful day, no clouds, sun and relatively warm (low 50's). God smiled down on us yesterday.

R.I.P. Ret'd Lt Col Clarence G. Simon, Jr AUS

"Uncle Buddy"


  1. You made a very nice mandala of this Mickey challenge.
    More and more, we (in the western world) remember that rituals are very important, especially wenn death is involved.

  2. Wonderful aspects of Disney in your tiles. I am sorry for your loss and if I can say so, the photos are quite moving. I was lucky enough to visit Ft Myers at Christmas time 2010 - a beautiful place :)

  3. i forgot about the color thing - i am glad you used it to differentiate between the 2. lots of great detail in your mandalas :)
