Friday, November 30, 2012

Weekly Challenge - No Strings Attached

Well, it's been a crazy week this week. It's amazing how busy one can be even when they're unemployed! Glad to see the weekend here. I've been running this week on job applications, interviews, appointments.... I went to church on Wednesday night for the first time in a long time. Someone I know there asked me to come. Then afterwards, gave me a referral for a job - they're looking for RNs. I went and applied....I have an interview on Monday with a Home Health place locally. I need to feel worthy of being a nurse again. <sigh> too long without working makes one doubt themselves. God provides..I just forget to ask sometimes. I am strong in my faith but have difficulty with "church" in the normal sense. It was nice to have the fellowship though.
I'll be so glad to get back to work.
So this week is no strings. I have done this before and the first one I did, somehow I still feel like there must've been strings - I kind of did lines of zentangle, one after the other.

The second one, was a little better in being scattered.. with no strings...

These are some older pictures I did without any strings....

Notice the 4 leaf clover? I picked it one day, taped it on the paper - I'm amazed how it's still green!! then I started tangling around it.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Log Cabin Challenge

Well, another week has gone by and Thanksgiving went by with it. I can't believe how fast time goes. I have had fun this week as I have started quilting also. It's been awhile and it took me a few days to un-bury my machine etc.. and have begun!! I'm happy with my results so far.. it was a challenge in a month back in October, but like always, I'm a day late and a dollar short in my life. I figured I would do it anyway.  I've enjoyed it. It has kept me busy during the day rather than sit around and feel sad, as I usually do at holidays since I lost my mom.....and now my job. Sorry, I digress, that's a whole different story.
Here's a link to the Challenge: Log Cabins from Ellison Lane

Here's what I've done so far this week!

This is the first color I completed and in 9 blocks...I'm going to try to make it that I can fit it on the top of a Queen - it's a "double" size though - it will be 9 X 12 blocks. (Blocks are 8.5 inches square)
So that'll be 9 blocks of 12 colors....or if I can't figure that many colors out, I'll do 12 blocks of 9 colors. LOL!!!

This one is in honor of my mother who loved all things Strawberries and the color RED!! She loved to wear red and looked great in it, and her red lipstick. She, if anyone, could always get away looking so classy in red lipstick and red nail polish... Then, above it are the paws that are of her cats that she loved so much... Also it says on the white fabric to the right - Life is like a bowl of Cherries... it's so true ! We used to laugh and say "we always got the pits" ROFLOL I had to stick that in there, mom would appreciate it. I want to work so that this block will be the center one, or close to...
I'm starting on green next - must be the Christmas coming out in me!
Stay tuned!
Sew full of Blessings!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Weekly Challenge #96 "Zinger"

So this week's challenge from the Diva is "Zinger" and I have to say  I was excited to see it was the challenge. I use this a lot in my drawings, although I found that in looking at how to draw it, that it wasn't how I was drawing it. Funny how that happens.
So I practiced re-drawing it how it was supposed to be drawn. Once I went and did it the old way I was doing it, and found it was actually easier to do it the correct way! Imagine that!
So here is my take on Zinger. I always associated it with weeds, and bees. Which is funny when I found out what it was actually a stinger...a Zinger..  I will be interested to hear what everyone's take is on the pile in the center of the drawing...once you formulate your opinion, then below, I will tell you what it my mind that is!


Well, I don't normally do a second try on a challenge but decided to try anyway!
So here's my 2nd take on the ZINGER-Hope y'all like it!!

Another week has gone by and Thanksgiving went by with it. I can't believe how fast time goes. I have had fun this week as I have started quilting also. It's been awhile and it took me a few days to un-bury my machine etc.. and have begun!! I'm happy with my results so far.. it was a challenge in a month back in October, but like always, I'm a day late and a dollar short in my life. I figured I would do it anyway.  I've enjoyed it. It has kept me busy during the day rather than sit around and be mopey.
Here's a link to the Challenge: Log Cabins from Ellison Lane
Here's what I've done so far!

This is the first color I completed and in 9 blocks...I'm going to try to make it that I can fit it on the top of a Queen - it's a "double" size though - it will be 9 X 12 blocks. (Blocks are 8.5 inches square)
So that'll be 9 blocks of 12 colors....or if I can't figure that many colors out, I'll do 12 blocks of 9 colors. LOL!!!

This one is in honor of my mother who loved all things Strawberries!! the paws are her cats that she loved so much...
I tend to fight depression, so for me this whole job thing has left me in limbo fighting that deep hole that is so easy to fall into. I feel like I'm wandering, looking for something, but I don't know what that is. Lonely wanderer. That describes it.

I feel, though, like maybe I'm a bit closer to something. I've applied to 2 jobs in particular that interest me. I know someone's saying.. take anything! But I am at a point in my life that I don't want to take anything. I know it is crazy because I don't have money or insurance, which BOTH for me is a major issue. However, God does manage to provide money in strange ways, and I haven't had a problem yet. I have a place to live, food on the table, clothes. Gas money, it's a little harder but I tend to not make any unnecessary trips.  I've gathered my quarters for the next fill up. LOL God will provide. I know He will. He has never abandoned me. He never will. This too shall pass. These are the things that keep me going every day. My faith. (Also my lovely daughter - my friend. She cheers me along!)

So, as promised, the above was supposed to be a bee hive, hence the bee. I didn't want to just draw a plain hive, so I thought I would put some design on it. Afterwards, it looked like a snake with the zinger coming out the top - like a rattlesnake.
So, you can make it what you want. That's the fun of Zentangle, it seems you start out one way and end up another. Just like life. You have to open to it though. If you're so rigid that you can't change midstream, then you'll miss what could've been...

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Weekly Challenge #95-Mickey

Weekly Challenge #95: Guest Post - "Mickey Challenge" 

From "IamtheDiva" website explaining the challenge:

Courtney from Texas is the guest challenger this week.  She writes "On November 19, 1928 the Walt Disney Studio released the animated short film "Steamboat Willie".  This was the official debut of Mickey Mouse as well as his girlfriend, Minnie.
Here's the link if you want to watch the video:
Mickey's Steamboat Willie
So a few things about the challenge: Mandala, (I have issues with them, I have a problem with the circle but forced myself to do it) Black and White (as the film is), and I took things from the film that for me, were translated into my mandala:
The whistles on the boat, the notes from the music, the hearts - love between Mickey and Minnie, the boat wheel (the mandala too) and waves...

And of course, because I have problems following directions, I colored the next one without thinking about it. I thought if I did that it would show the W for Walt, and the M for Mickey....I almost colored the "bow" with the dots pink for Minnie, but decided I should stop!
Oh well, I never have done well with directions...

On the job front, nothing yet. I kind of had to put things on hold this week.

I had a family member pass away and this week he was buried in Arlington Cemetery. I am the only relative that lives close to my aunt and so I helped her prep for the upcoming company, funeral, route to and from the cemetery and the club at Ft Myers for a "dry run" of that day. He was a retired Lt Col, served in WW II and Vietnam, earned the Bronze Star. A full military funeral is the most awe inspiring thing to witness. To know this was how they pay tribute to our soldiers, it is amazing. We looked at the differences in the funerals (from Private to General), what things mean (the lone, riderless black horse that followed the Caisson with the boots turned backwards) and it is amazing. 

This is a link to the site to learn about the traditions. 

It was good to see all the family and meet new ones, but it is sad. However, I know he is in a MUCH better place because he had major health issues in the end. My aunt is a VERY SPRY 90 year old and I have no doubt will miss him, but will be ok. She's a strong one!
We were lucky, it was an incredibly beautiful day, no clouds, sun and relatively warm (low 50's). God smiled down on us yesterday.

R.I.P. Ret'd Lt Col Clarence G. Simon, Jr AUS

"Uncle Buddy"

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Challenge #94

Funny, the title is Challenge.... and this week finds me challenged, in many ways..
This week finds me at the end of my finances, and facing the month without insurance, unless I go with Cobra. I have stepped up my job applying, with some urgency, yet with some trepidation. I don't want to just have a job, and being in my field (nursing, computers, etc) I do kind of have a choice, yet in the job market, I don't want to be too picky.

I have interviewed for a position I would like, but it will be a very long drawn out process to interview in stages, each stage with a different set of people. I've done this process before, so I'm not scared of it, I just know that it is a long process. It's something I would like to do, and would really like to hold out for it....which in a way, I have. But I haven't heard anything and I'm kind of at the end of my rope now. So I've applied for a few other ones closer to home that I think are interesting enough, one of which I have an interview for tomorrow morning. I don't particularly have experience in this type of nursing, but I have proven in the past I can learn anything.

I've noticed having some difficulty journaling and drawing since I've been off. I have to say though, I've committed myself to doing the weekly challenges. That has made me get up and get moving and get inspired. So, today I got up and voted, and started cleaning the house, and got my head on a little straighter. This, funny enough, helped me draw tonight.

So, I'm putting up my drawing. When I was doing it I was thinking of my daughter, growing up, and braiding her hair. When she looked at it she said it looked like wheat. Funny enough, I am allergic to wheat, but it is pretty to look at ! Ha!! I was going to continue my drawing but she told me to stop, it was enough. I tend to overdo, over think, over talk, etc. so this time I stopped. (It still looks empty to me, but then again, I don't draw in the lines, so for me it is!)I hope you like it!

Weekly Challenge #94: "UMT v. X: Socc"

The Socc that I did, looks like the "dirt" growing the "feathers" above, while in this braid of a vase. That's my interpretation anyway! I'm glad I did stop drawing. I think the simplicity of it, separated by colors, would've gotten lost.
Have a great week!
Zentangle is explained here (I'm so grateful for what Rick and Maria have done for us who doodle!)

Zentangle and ZIA drawings, mine and a few of my daughters drawings too...

This site - I Am The Diva  - she has weekly zentangle challenges and it's a lot of fun.

Tangle patterns here  if you want to learn how to draw some of them, or if you just need a refresher on how to draw them.